Introducing Clean CT-01

The Great Little Water Company is proud to introduce The Clean CT-01™ Green HVAC Water Treatment System, a comprehensive solution to address all cooling and heating water issues.  This system is the fruit of GLWC’s continuous research & development work since...

How it Works

The treatment principle The system was developed to address problems at their roots instead of just the symptoms. It achieves this without the use of any harsh chemicals. Listed below are the major problems, root causes and solutions: Scale Problem:  caused by calcium...

Chilled Water Solutions

The chilled/closed water loop transfers heat between AHU/FCU and the chiller. The term “closed loop” seldom means that the chilled water is free from contamination or bacteria. Depending on the incoming water, minerals will deposit in the system over time. Bacteria...

Home & Office Air-Con Services

Keep your family members, your staff and yourself healthy! Keep your air-con system in top shape, minimize bacteria and fungus, reduce energy bills… Through our wholly owned subsidiary Great Little Air-Con Services, we now offer: Comprehensive service for split system...

Condenser Water Solutions

The condenser / open water cooling loop is the last stage of heat transfer in the central air-conditioning system.  Heat is removed through water evaporation which occurs in the cooling tower.  When water evaporates, all the residual dissolved minerals are left to...