For hospitals in the tropical region, the main IAQ challenges usually arise from growth of mold and fungus – the same is true also for many non-hospital buildings. Identifying the root cause of this growth and helping to prevent it is our specialty area, as well as performing extensive mold remediation using 100% plant-based disinfection products that are safe for humans.

If you think your facility may require help from IAQ experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Microbial contaminants – spotlight on mold & fungus

Mold growth can occur almost anywhere, that’s why special consideration to mold issues have to be taken in constructing, maintaining and operating buildings.

Examples for mold growth in hospital ventilation systems:




Another typical appearance is mold on ceilings:


Mold frequently grows on cold spots due to condensing moisture:


Mold growth is sustained through high relative humidity, for example due to fresh air intruding into air-conditioned zones in ceiling spaces:


If you think your facility may require help from IAQ experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What’s so bad about mold?

Molds produce allergens, irritants and toxins which effect human health. What are the effects?


Minimising above effects is important to keep up productivity, personal comfort and health at the work place. For hospitals and aged people’s homes the situation is even more severe, since people have weakened immune systems. Failing to maintain acceptable Indoor Air Quality in a hospital ward for example may result in additional infections and complications.

To describe symptoms of bad Indoor Air Quality, the term “Sick Building Syndrome” is well known as is illustrated below:


If you think your facility may require help from IAQ experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

How does mold grow and spread?


What are the conditions for mold growth?


The only way to control mold occurrence in general indoor areas is through keeping relative humidity low, because all other conditions can hardly be prevented. For controlled environments such as operating theatres, also mold spores can be controlled by means of super-fine HEPA filters.

Not only high relative humidity, but also sustained moisture in walls and building materials must be carefully prevented at all times.

If you think your facility may require help from IAQ experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.