Microbe-related Indoor Air Quality problems such as fungus, mold, bacteria and viruses can sometimes be treated with continuous air-disinfection. This system can also be used to prevent the spreading of infected areas into other zones. Below is a list of typical systems for continuous air-disinfection:

  • Gel-blocks that continuously release disinfectant into the air stream. Usually these blocks are placed inside air handling equipment or in the supply air line. GLWC uses blocks based on tea tree oil which pose no threat to human health but provide excellent protection against the spreading of infections. A residual protection is provided also to indoor surfaces because the gel-blocks leave behind an invisible and unnoticeable layer of disinfectant throughout the rooms. This effect is often sufficient to suppress returning mold.
  • UV sterilizers that disinfect the air circulated by ventilation systems. These systems, if designed and maintained correctly, can also effectively prevent the spreading of infections. These systems have no residual protection to protect indoor surfaces.
  • Air purifiers that filter and disinfect the air (often the disinfection is also based on UV). These systems have largely the same pros and cons as UV sterilisers.
  • Some countries allow periodic injection of ozone into the indoor air. This system provides a good microbe kill but only little residual protection since the ozone breaks down within seconds and within few meters of the injection point. Effective mold prevention is unlikely to be achieved. GLWC does not recommend this method as it can be aggressive to our respiratory systems.

If you think your facility may require help from IAQ experts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.